We are Camille and Anne. We grew up together, learned what we like together, learned to cook together, and now we are learning how to talk about food together. We will make mistakes and we hope you will let us know when we do.
We are not nutritionists. Both of us have spent years figuring out what works for our bodies and the food we share here reflects our bodies’ needs. We know that every body is different and the food we enjoy won’t work for everyone. We welcome you to modify, comment, and let us know what works for you.
Hi Y’all! I’m so happy you’ve made your way here. I’d like to share some of my identities so you can know a bit more about me. I’m a thin, queer, able-bodied, chronically ill, white settler who is making home on un-ceded lands of the Multnomah, Kathlamet, Clackamas, Cowlitz bands of Chinook, Tualatin Kalapuya peoples (aka Portland, OR). I find joy in eating food and spending time with people who want to connect to their own “yes” and “no” while also connecting with me. I’ve been best friends with Anne since I was 3 and they were 4 (although they will say they were 3 and I was 2). Either way, we’ve been friends so long that I can’t imagine life without them and I’m excited to team up with them to share food and stories that are dear to our hearts.
I am so excited to share food that I love with all of you! I share many identity intersections with Camille. I am thin, queer, white, and able bodied, and I live on the land of Lushootseed and Salish speaking people including the Nisqually, Squaxin, and Cowlitz people in what we call Olympia, WA. Food has been a point of challenge in my life, as it has been for many who live in the United States. I hope that by sharing our passion for food our bodies enjoy will inspire you all to find what foods bring you joy.
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We love to hear from our readers; fill out the form below to get in touch. We especially appreciate feedback both positive and negative about our work, our language, and how what we are sharing lands for you. Please note that at this time we are not publishing any content from guest bloggers.