Harvest Salad with Creamy Dressing

I’ve been making a version of this salad every week with my CSA. The first week we had radishes, but by the time I wrote up this post radishes were gone and cucumbers were here! I recommend making the salad with whatever veggies you have on hand. We used agave to balance the sweetness of the salad dressing because that’s what we had on hand, feel free to substitute other sweeteners like honey, sugar, or maple syrup.

Serves: 2-4

Time: 1 hr (15 minutes active time)


2 - 4 eggs (depending on how many you want to eat)

1/2 lb - 1lb salad greens

1 bunch radishes

1/2 cup sliced pecans (option to toast these)

5 small potatoes, we like carola’s or a waxy kind

1/2 tub Kite Hill ricotta (optional)

For the dressing:

1/3 cup mayonnaise, we like the vegan versions of this best

2 tbsp rice vinegar

2 tbsp almond milk

2 tsp mustard

1 tsp agave (or substitute sugar)

salt + pepper to taste

Note: you can always make the boiled eggs and roasted potatoes ahead of time and then the whole salad only takes about 15 minutes to assemble. Often I will make triple of the eggs and potatoes so that I can eat this for the next few days with little work or re-purpose these cooked ingredients into different meals.

Pre-heat the oven to 350 F. Clean and thinly slice the potatoes (no need to peel them). Place on baking sheet and drizzle with olive oil, salt, and pepper. Bake for about 1 hour or until golden brown flipping every 20 minutes.

Place the eggs in a lidded pot with cold water. (We tried it with salted and unsalted water and it made no difference in the texture or taste of the eggs.) Bring this water to a rolling boil and then turn off the heat and let rest for 10 minutes. Remove the eggs and cool them immediately by running them under cold water or putting in an ice bath.

Hot tip: if you aren’t sure if your eggs are still good (if you’ve had them a while) when you put them in the pot of water if they sink or are near the bottom they are good to eat, if they float to the top they are not good, do not eat them.

Create the salad dressing by whisking all the dressing ingredients together. Feel free to double or triple and use over multiple days and or for other meals.

Rinse and dry the lettuce. Break into bite sized chunks. Clean and slice the radishes. To assemble put greens, radish, sliced pecans, feta cheese, sliced boiled eggs, and roasted potatoes in a bowl and pour the dressing over. Enjoy!
