Eggplant Pesto Pizza

Eggplant season is here again and we are eating it every chance we get! With this pizza recipe the time varies widely depending on how you choose to make your pizza crust. You can buy pizza crust from the store to make the process quicker and easier, or you can make pizza from scratch. If you make it from scratch, make sure to check your recipe to get a sense of how much time that will take. Another option one of our friends does is to make dough from scratch and freeze it for later.

Makes: 1 large pizza

Time: 1 hr + additional time if making pizza dough from scratch

Pizza Crust (Anne uses the Joy of Cooking recipe, but any recipe or store bought would do just fine), for gluten-free pizza crust we recommend Simple Mills Brand

1 medium eggplant

1 medium zucchini

1 batch of sun-dried tomato pesto, on the thicker side

3 garlic cloves, minced

(optional) 1/2 bunch of kale, chiffonaded

If you are making the pizza dough from scratch, check your recipe to see how long you need for dough preparation. Prepare your crust for toppings, remembering to take into account any resting or cooling time it might need. Now we will discuss how to prepare the toppings.

Turn on your broiler. Peel the eggplant and cut it into long slabs about 1/2 inch thick. Brush both sides with olive oil and place on a broiler pan. Broil about 7 minutes on each side, or until golden brown. When broiling, it’s very easy to burn the eggplant, so make sure to set a timer each time and listen to the timer. When the eggplant is soft and browned on both sides, remove it from the oven and set aside. The browning may be splotchy, but that is ok.

Pre-heat the oven according to your pizza dough instructions. If you need to do any more work on the crust before adding the toppings, now is a good time to do that.

Next, mince the garlic and then slice the zucchini into long thin strips. Heat up a pan with oil and sauté the zucchini until it is golden brown on one side, and lightly browned on the other side, about 15 minutes. Then add the garlic and cook an extra 3 minutes until the garlic is fragrant.

If you have a pizza peel and a pizza stone, you will build your pizza on the peel sprinkled with cornmeal or semolina flour and cook it on the stone. If you don’t, it is easy to cook this pizza on a cookie sheet. Or to use a cookie sheet, pizza stone combo.

If you are adding the optional kale, you can wilt it in a pan with a little oil while the pizza is in the oven.

Spread the pesto onto the pizza crust. Cut or tear your eggplant into long strips and cover the pesto with the eggplant.  The combination of eggplant and pesto will make everything hold together nicely.  Top with the zucchini and put in the oven.  Bake about ten minutes and then optionally add the kale.  Continue to bake until the crust is golden (about 5 more minutes, but can vary a lot depending on the crust). Remove from oven, let cool slightly. Slice, serve, and enjoy!

Vegan Ranch Spinach & Sausage Pizza

Meaty, cheesy, crispy deliciousness!

Serves: 4

Time: 1 hour


1 box Simple Mills Gluten Free Pizza Dough, option to sub in your favorite dough

apple cider vinegar (for the dough)

olive oil (for the dough)

1 package Beyond Meat Breakfast Sausage links

1 onion

1 clove garlic

.5 lb shitake mushroom

1 handful spinach

1 batch cashew cheese

ranch powder



2 Tbsp high heat oil

Cook the Simple Mills pizza mix according to the instructions on the box. If you have a pizza stone, preheat it with the oven. The first bake on this pizza dough will be done on a cookie sheet. You can also do the second bake on a cookie sheet, but we like how crispy the crust is when the second bake is on a hot pizza stone.

While the dough is baking, slice the shitake mushrooms, onion, and mince the garlic. Heat a pan and fry the sausage links until crispy on all sides (the sausage will release oil as it cooks, so no need for oil in the pan). Once fried, slice the sausages into small chunks.

Fry the onions and mushrooms until the onions are browned and soft and the mushrooms are browned and slightly crispy. Add salt and pepper to taste. This works better if you cook the mushrooms and onions separately, however sometimes do this in one pan if I’m not too worried about getting the perfect texture. Once these are almost fully cooked add the minced garlic into one of the pans (or the one pan if you are doing them together) and stir for about 1-2 more minutes while the garlic browns. Finally, throw the spinach in and stir slightly just to wilt a bit.

Next, make the cashew cheese if you haven’t already.

Now, if you have a pizza stone, transfer dough to the stone, flipping it over. If you don’t have a stone, I like to flip the dough over on the cookie sheet before adding toppings. To top, first spread the cheese in an even layer over the whole pizza. Then, do a heavy dusting of ranch powder over the entire cheese pizza. Next, add the spinach, garlic, onion, and mushrooms. Finally, top with the sausage chunks. Put the whole pizza back in the oven for just 5-10 minutes to get everything warm and melded, but not so much that anything burns (everything is already fully cooked).

Slice and enjoy!