Garlic Scape Spread

Scapes are in season and we learned to make this spread from Laura at River Bank Farm. We love making a bunch of this and keeping it in the fridge for delicious local garlic all summer long. Often we use scape spread as a replacement for minced garlic, which cuts down on cooking time. It is also a delicious spread to add to sandwiches.


Serves: 16 oz

Time: 10 min


Scapes (about two handfuls), coarsely chopped

Olive oil (1/4 cup or less)

Blend the scapes and olive oil in a food processor until fully pureed. Store the mixture in a jar in the fridge and use a tablespoon as a replacement for 3 cloves of minced garlic in any stir fry, salad dressing, soup, stew, etc. If you have an abundance of scapes, make some extra and store it in the freezer to use when you run out of your first batch.

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